ZIMRA Registered: TIN No: 2001534736 | VAT No: 220363773
+263 24 230 0871
New Malborough, Harare, ZW
We Serve Our Guests Delicious Food
Well Manicured Gardens
We Grow Vegetables, Fruits and Cooking Herbs
For use in our Guest House Kitchen and for sale to local Retail Chain stores

"A Place Like Home"

Ashley’s Guest House and Cottage in New Marlborough Harare Zimbabwe offers bed and breakfast accommodation, facilities for mini-conferencing seminars, ladies high teas, bridal overnight sleep-overs, workshops, training and retreats, mini-expos and product launches, catering for all occasions, to Corporates, Tour Groups, Church Groups and Families, in a secure, serene, clean and green environment.

Ashley's Guest

We offer the entire fully furnished 6 bedroomed Guest House that can accommodate a maximum total of 12 guests sharing.

US$ 330
per night
US$ 310

Ashley's Guest

We offer a separate 2 bedroomed Guest Cottage fully furnished, can accommodate a maximum of 4 guests sharing.

US$ 100
per night
US$ 95

Ashley’s Guest House and Cottage would love your feedback. Click here to post a review to our profile.

Ashley's Guest House and Cottage Covid-19 Policy
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